
Chinese Astronomers Created ann Empirical Stellar Spectra Libraryy from LAMMOOSSTT


Astronomers from the National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences(NAOC) present an empirical stellar spectra library created with spectra from the LAMOST Data Release 5 (DR5). This library represents a uniform data set and covers a wide span of parameter space. This is the first empirical library that offers the most complete empirical spectra of K-type stars.


With the large number of red stars observed by LAMOST, Drs. DU Bing and LUO Aliet al. generated denser K type templates to fill in what is missing in current empirical spectral libraries, particularly the late K-type.

The template spectra in the library have a resolution of R~1800, with well-calibrated fluxes and rest-framed wavelengths. By performing an internal cross-validation and external comparisons, they verified that the template spectra were labeled with accurate stellar parameters. All of the spectra are available online in the FITS formats.


Empirical stellar spectral libraries are crucial for many areas of astronomical research, including, but not limited to, spectral typing, modeling the spectral energy distributions and stellar populations of galaxies, and determining stellar properties. Stellar template libraries are also an important teaching resource, from examples of stellar spectra for introductory classes to detailed radiative transfer at the graduate level.

A Reviewers of this work highly appraised this paper: “The authors present a set of spectra templates that cover an impressive span of parameter space and which will certainly be used to match spectral observations, calibrate atmospheric models and demonstrate the differences among different stars. These data are important to the field.” … “I was finally able to download the templates and looked at a bunch of them and they are really wonderful.”

This work has been published in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.

《Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences》2018年第4期文献
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